Twenty Minutes in Houston

Twenty Minutes in Houston
Discoveries from FotoFest 2014, the Fifteenth Biennial of Photography

Soulcatcher Studio is pleased to present this group exhibition, featuring images by twenty-four photographers whose works we discovered during FotoFest 2014, the Fifteenth Biennial of Photography. FotoFest (founded in 1983) created the first international Biennial of Photography and Photo-related Art in the United States. They are an international non-profit photographic arts and education organization based in Houston, Texas.

FotoFest's purpose is to promote the exchange of art and ideas through international programs and the presentation of photographic art. Their programs work globally and locally, bringing together an international vision of art and cross-cultural exchange with a commitment to community involvement and the enrichment of Houston's cultural resources.

In March 2014, Soulcatcher Studio Gallery Director Eric J. Keller was invited to attend the Biennial in order to review portfolios of photographers from around the world. Over a four day period he reviewed fifty-seven photographer's projects, spending approximately twenty minutes with each artist. Within this exhibition are a selection of the highlights of what he viewed during his visit. Most images are part of a larger body of work and each artist was asked to give a brief statement for the viewer. We highly recommend that you delve deeper into each project, exploring what each artist is bringing to the fine art of storytelling through photography.

Print Information: Click on the individual thumbnail images below to view enlarged examples and detailed print information, including pricing. Print prices are set by the artist, (in many cases) increase as the edition sells out and are subject to change without prior notice. Please contact Soulcatcher Studio for current pricing information.

Please inquire if you have other favorite images by any of these photographic artists, as we can offer you other works of theirs for sale.

We hope you enjoy this exhibition and sale of remarkable and diverse fine art photographs.
Click on the thumbnail images below to view enlarged examples and detailed print information.
Click on each enlarged image to advance to the next image in the exhibition.

All artwork is copyright © of the respective artist or estate.
All other material copyright © Soulcatcher Studio. All rights reserved.
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